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>> Fridericianum    
documenta 12 | Ai Weiwei / Prototype for The Wave | 2004 documenta 12 | Elenor Antin / Blood of the Poet | 1965-68 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Cosima von Bonin / Löwen im Bonsaiwald | 1997 | Fridericianum ground floor documenta 12 | Trisha Brown / Untiteled | 2007 | Fridericianum ground floor

"documenta 12" "Ai Weiwei" "Prototype for The Wave" 2004 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"

"documenta 12" "Elenor Antin" "Blood of the Poet" "1965-68" Fridericianum Kassel "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Cosima von Bonin" "Löwen im Bonsaiwald" 1997 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Trisha Brown" Untiteled 2007 Fridericianum"Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 Froschperspektive | Trisha Brown / Geneva, Handfall | 1999 | Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Trisha Brown / Geneva, Handfall | 1999 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Trisha Brown / Floor of the forest | 1970/2007 Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Trisha Brown / Performance | Fridericianum
"documenta 12" "Trisha Brown"  "Geneva, Handfall" 1999 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Trisha Brown"  "Geneva, Handfall" 1999 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Trisha Brown" "Floor of the forest" "1970/2007" Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Trisha Brown" Accumulation 1971/2007  Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Berliner Saray-Alben (Diez-Alben) | Iran, 14.-16. Jahrhundert/ 14th-16th century | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Graciela Carnevale / Untiteled | 1968 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Juan Davila / The Arse End of the World | 1994 | Fridericianum ground floor documenta 12 | Juan Davila / Schreber’s Semblance | Fridericianum
"documenta 12" "Berliner Saray-Alben (Diez-Alben)" "Iran, 14.-16. Jahrhundert" "14th-16th century" Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Graciela Carnevale / Untiteled" 1968 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Juan Davila" "The Arse End of the World" 1994 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Juan Davila" "Schreber’s Semblance" Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Atul Dodiya / Antler Anthology | 2003-2004 | Fridericianum ground floor documenta 12 | Lili Dujourie | 2000-2001 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Lili Dujourie | 2000-2001 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Harun Farocki / Deep Play | 2007 - Finale FIFA World Cup 2006 France Italy on 12 screens | Fridericianum ground floor
"documenta 12" "Atul Dodiya" "Antler Anthology" "2003-2004" "Fridericianum" "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Lili Dujourie" "Gyrus, Cecilia, Dolores" 2000-2001 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Lili Dujourie" "Gyrus, Cecilia, Dolores" 2000-2001 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Harun Farocki" "Deep Play" 2007 "Finale FIFA World Cup 2006" Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Harun Farocki / Deep Play | 2007 - Finale FIFA World Cup 2006 France Italy on 12 screens | Fridericianum ground floor documenta 12 | Iole de Freitas / Raum sprengende Skulpur | 2007 | Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Iole de Freitas / Raum sprengende Skulptur documenta 12 | Peter Friedl / Tiger oder Löwe | 2000 | Fridericianum ground floor
"documenta 12" "Harun Farocki" "Deep Play" 2007 "Finale FIFA World Cup 2006" Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Iole de Freitas" "Raum sprengende Skulpur" 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Iole de Freitas" "Raum sprengende Skulpur" 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Peter Friedl" "Tiger oder Löwe" 2000 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Poul Gernes / Vorschläge für eine Fahne für die Europäische Gemeinschaft | 1972-1973 | Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Sheela Gowda / And ... | 2007 - An Tell Him of My Pain | 1998 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Ion Grigorescu / Me in pyamas (I-IV) | 1978/2007 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Ion Grigorescu / Me in pyamas (I-IV) | 1978/2007 | Fridericianum
"documenta 12" "Poul Gernes" "Vorschläge für eine Fahne für die Europäische Gemeinschaft" 1972-1973 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Sheela Gowda" "And ..." 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Ion Grigorescu" 1978/2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Ion Grigorescu" 1978/2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Grupo de Artistas de Vanguardia / Archivo Tucuman Arde | 1968-2007 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Grupo de Artistas de Vanguardia / Archivo Tucuman Arde | 1968-2007 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Hu Xiaoyuan / A Keepsake I cannot give away | 2005 | Fridericianum ground floor documenta 12 | Sanja Ivekovic / Triangle | 1979 | Fridericianum 2. floor
"documenta 12" "Grupo de Artistas de Vanguardia" "Archivo Tucuman Arde" 1968-2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Grupo de Artistas de Vanguardia" "Archivo Tucuman Arde" 1968-2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Hu Xiaoyuan" "A Keepsake I cannot give away" 2005 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Sanja Ivekovic" Triangle 1979 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Sanja Ivekovic / Triangle | 1979 | Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Luis Jacob / Album III | 2004 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Luis Jacob / A Dance for Those of Us Whose Hearts Have Turned ti Ice,... | 2007 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Luis Jacob | Fridericianum
"documenta 12" "Sanja Ivekovic" Triangle 1979 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Luis Jacob" "Album III" 2004 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Luis Jacob" "A Dance for Those of Us Whose Hearts Have Turned to Ice" 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Luis Jacob" Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Paul Klee | 1920 | | Fridericianum between groundfloor and 2. floor documenta 12 | Paul Klee | 1920 | Fridericianum brtween groundfloor and 2. floor documenta 12 | Jirí Kovanda / Aktionen | 1976/1977 | Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Zofia Kulik / The Human Motif (l) | 1989 | Fridericianum ground floor
"documenta 12" "Paul Klee" 1920 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Paul Klee" 1920 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Jirí Kovanda" Aktionen 1976/1977 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Zofia Kulik" Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Zofia Kulik / Land escape | 2001 | Fridericianum ground floor documenta 12 | Kwiekulik / Activitiea with Dobromierz | 1972-1974 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Kwiekulik / Activities with Dobromierz  | 1989 | Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Louise Lawler / Paris, New York, Rome, Tokyo | 1985 | Fridericianum
"documenta 12" "Zofia Kulik" Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" Kwiekulik "Activities with Dobromierz" 1989 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" Kwiekulik "Activities with Dobromierz" 1989 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Louise Lawler" "Paris, New York, Rome, Tokyo" 1985 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Lin Yilin / Safely Manoevring Across Lin He Road | 1995 | Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Lee Lozano / Clash | 1965 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Kerry James Marshall / Could This Be Love | 1992 | Fridericianum ground floor


Kerry James Marshall

Blue Water Silver Moon (Mermaid)

"documenta 12" "Lin Yilin" "Safely Manoevring Across Lin He Road" 1995 "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Lee Lozano" Clash 1965 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Kerry James Marshall" "Could This Be Love" 1992 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Kerry James Marshall" "Blue Water Silver Moon (Mermaid)" 1991 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Entrance Fridericianum | John McCracken / Swift | 2007 | Fridericianum ground floor documenta 12 | John McCracken | Fridericianum documenta 12 | John McCracken / Song | 2004 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Anfrei Monastyrski / Fountain | 2005 | Fridericianum ground floor
"documenta 12" "Entrance Fridericianum" "John McCracken" Swift 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "John McCracken" Fire 2004 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "John McCracken" Song 2004 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Andrei Monastyrski" Fountain 2005 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Anatoli Osmolovsky / Hardware | 2006 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Anatoli Osmolovsky / Hardware | 2006 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Anatoli Osmolovsky / Majakowski-Osmalovsky | 1993| Fridericianum documenta 12 | Jorge Oteiza / Caja metafísica por conjuncion de dos triedros | 1958 | Fridericianum
"documenta 12" "Anatoli Osmolovsky" Hardware 2006 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Anatoli Osmolovsky" Hardware 2006 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Anatoli Osmolovsky" "Majakowski-Osmalovsky" 1993 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Jorge Oteiza" "Caja metafísica por conjuncion de dos triedros" 1958 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Charlotte Posenenske / 4 Reliefs, Elemente der Serie B | 1967 | Fridericianum 2. floor

documenta 12 | Charlotte Posenenske / Vierkantrohre Serie DW | 1967 | Fridericianum

documenta 12 | Florian Pumhösl / Modernologie | 2007 | (on the right: Tanaka Atsuko / Work (Baumwolle | cotton) | 1955) | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Florian Pumhösl / Modernologie (Dreieckiges Atilier) | Modernology (Triangular Atelier) | 2007 | Fridericianum
"documenta 12" "Charlotte Posenenske" "4 Reliefs, Elemente der Serie B" 1967 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Charlotte Poseneske" "Vierkantrohre Serie DW"  1967 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Florian Pumhösl" "Modernologie (Triangular Atilier)" 2007 Fridericianum  "Kassel 2007"
"documenta 12" "Florian Pumhösl" "Modernologie (Triangular Atilier)" 2007 Fridericianum  "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Gerhard Richter / Betty | 1977 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Alejandra Riera , Ueinzz | 2004-2007 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Alejandra Riera , Ueinzz | 2004-2007 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Lotty Rosenfeld / Una milla de cruces sobre el pavimento | 1979 | Fridericianum 2. floor
"documenta 12" "Gerhard Richter" Betty 1977 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Alejandra Riera" Ueinzz 2004-2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Alejandra Riera" Ueinzz 2004-2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Lotty Rosenfeld" "Una milla de cruces sobre el pavimento" 1979/2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Lotty Rosenfeld / Una milla de cruces sobre el pavimento | 1979/2007 | Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Martha Rosler / The Bowery in two inadequate descriptive systems | 1974-1975 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Martha Rosler / The Bowery in two inadequate descriptive systems | 1974-1975 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Mira Schendel / Droguinha | 1966 | Fridericianum ground floor
"documenta 12" "Lotty Rosenfeld" "Una milla de cruces sobre el pavimento" 1979/2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Martha Rosler" "The Bowery in two inadequate descriptive systems" 1974-1975 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Martha Rosler" "The Bowery in two inadequate descriptive systems" 1974-1975 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Mira Schendel" Droguinha 1966 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Mira Schendel / Untitled (Transformavel) | ca. 1970 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Ahlam Shibli / Goter | 2002 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Ahlam Shibli / Goter | 2002 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Hito Steyerl / Lovely Andrea | 2007 | Fridericianum 3. floor
"documenta 12" "Mira Schendel" "Untitled (Transformavel)" "ca. 1970" "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Ahlam Shibli" Goter 2002 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Ahlam Shibli" Goter 2002 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Hito Steyerl" "Lovely Andrea" 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" video
documenta 12 | Imogen Stidworthy / I Hate | 2007 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Imogen Stidworthy / I hate | 2007 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Imogen Stidworthy / I Hate | 2007 | Fridericianum ground floor documenta 12 | Imogen Stidworthy / I Hate | 2007 | Fridericianum ground floor
"documenta 12" "Imogen Stidworthy" "I Hate" 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Imogen Stidworthy" "I Hate" 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Imogen Stidworthy" "I Hate" 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Imogen Stidworthy" "I Hate" 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Florian Pumhösl / Modernologie | 2007 | (on the right: Tanaka Atsuko / Work (Baumwolle | cotton) | 1955) | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Tanaka Atsuko / Electric Dress | 1956 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Tanaka Atsuko / Drawing after 'Electric Dress' | 1956 | Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Tseng Yu-Chin / Who's Listening? 5 | 2003-2004 | Fridericianum
"documenta 12" "Florian Pumhösl Modernologie 2007 and Tanaka Atsuko Work (Baumwolle | cotton) 1955" Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Tanaka Atsuko" "Electric Dress" 1956 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
"documenta 12" "Tanaka Atsuko" "Drawing after 'Electric Dress'" 1956 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Tseng Yu-Chin" "Who's Listening? 5" 2003-2004 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 | Lidwien van de Ven / Document | 2007 | Fridericianum 2. floor documenta 12 | Lidwien van de Ven / document | 2007 | Fridericianum documenta 12 | Simon Wachsmuth / Where We Were Then, Where We Are Now | 2007 | Fridericianum ground floor documenta 12 | Simon Wachsmuth / Where We Were Then, Where We Are Now | 2007 | Fridericianum
"documenta 12" "Lidwien van de Ven" document 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Lidwien van de Ven" document 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Simon Wachsmuth" "Where We Were Then, Where We Are Now" 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Simon Wachsmuth" "Where We Were Then, Where We Are Now" 2007 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"
documenta 12 Froschperspektive | Zheng Guogu / Waterfall | 2006 | Fridericianum ground floor documenta 12 | Zheng Guogu / Add Oil and March Forward! | 2005 | Fridericianum    
"documenta 12" "Zheng Guogu" Waterfall 2006 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007" "documenta 12" "Zheng Guogu" "Add Oil and March Forward!" 2005 Fridericianum "Kassel 2007"    
>> Friedrichsplatz      
documenta 12 | Andreas Siekmann / Die Exklusive | 2007 | Friedrichsplatz documenta 12 | Sanja Ivekovic / Poppy Field (Mohnblumenfeld) | 2007 | Friedrichsplatz    
"documenta 12" "Andreas Siekmann" "Die Exklusive" 2007 Friedrichsplatz "documenta 12" "Sanja Ivekovic" "Poppy Field" Mohnblumenfeld Friedrichsplatz    
>> documenta-Halle      
documenta 12 | Maja Bajevic / La Mina | 2006 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | Cosima von Bonin / Relax, it's only a ghost | 2006 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | Cosima von Bonin / Relax, it's only a ghost | 2006 | documenta-Halle
"documenta 12" "Maja Bajevic" "La Mina" 2006 documenta-Halle
"documenta 12" "Cosima von Bonin" "Relax, it's only a ghost" 2006 documenta-Halle "documenta 12" "Cosima von Bonin" "Relax, it's only a ghost" 2006 documenta-Halle "documenta 12" "Cosima von Bonin" "Relax, it's only a ghost" 2006 documenta-Halle
documenta 12 | Juan Davila / The Lamentation: A Votive Painting | 1991 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | Peter Friedl / The Zoo Story | 2007 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | Abdoulaye Konate / Symphonie de bleu 8R | 2007 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | Abdoulaye Konate / Gris-Gris pour Israël et la Palestine | 2005 | documenta-Halle
"documenta 12" "Juan Davila" "The Lamentation: A Votive Painting" 1991 documenta-Halle "documenta 12" "Peter Friedl" "The Zoo Story" 2007 documenta-Halle "documenta 12" "Abdoulaye Konate" "Symphonie de bleu 8R" 2007 documenta-Halle "documenta 12" "Abdoulaye Konate" "Gris-Gris pour Israël et la Palestine" 2005 documenta-Halle
documenta 12 | Inigo Manglano-Ovalle / Phantom Truck | 2007 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | Inigo Manglano-Ovalle / The Radio | 2007 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | at -> Inigo Manglano-Ovalle / The Radio | 2007 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | watching Inigo Manglano-Ovalle | documenta-Halle
"documenta 12" "Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle" "Phantom Truck" 2007 documenta-Halle "documenta 12" "Inigo Manglano-Ovalle" "The Radio" 2007 documenta-Halle "documenta 12" "Inigo Manglano-Ovalle" "The Radio" 2007 documenta-Halle "documenta 12" "Inigo Manglano-Ovalle" "The Radio" 2007 documenta-Halle
documenta 12 | Anatoli Osmolovsky / Bread | 2006 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | Anatoli Osmolovsky / Bread | 2006 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | Jürgen Stollhans / w_2037405: Caput mortuum | 2007 | documenta-Halle  
documenta 12 "Anatoli Osmolovsky" Bread Brot 2006 documenta-Halle documenta 12 "Anatoli Osmolovsky" Bread Brot 2006 documenta-Halle "documenta 12" "Jürgen Stollhans" "w_2037405: Caput mortuum" 2007 documenta-Halle


documenta 12 / Gartenteppich (garden carpet) | 1800 | documenta-Halle documenta 12 | 9 Scripts from a Nation at War | 2007 | documenta-halle documenta 12 | 9 Scripts from a Nation at War | 2007 | documenta-halle  
"documenta 12" Gartenteppich "garden carpet" 1800 documenta-Halle "documenta 12" "9 Scripts from a Nation at War" 2007 documenta-halle
"documenta 12" "9 Scripts from a Nation at War" 2007 documenta-halle  


>> Vor Aue-Pavillon      
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei in front of his artwork "Template" | documenta 12, 2007 Kassel documenta 12 | artwork collapsed | Ai Weiwei / Template 2007 Roger Buergel, Horst Köhler at "Template"  
"documenta 12" "Ai Weiwei" Template 2007 Karlsaue "documenta 12" "artwork collapsed" "Ai Weiwei" Template 2007 Karlsaue "documenta 12" "Ai Weiwei" Template 2007 Karlsaue  
documenta 12 | documenta 12 | aushecken    
"documenta 12" "Tanaka Atsuko" Work "1955 (reconstr.)" Aue-Pavillon 2007 "documenta 12" Aushecken "documenta for children" "documenta für Kinder"    


>> Aue Pavillon      
documenta 12 | Saadane Afif / Lyrics | 2004-2007 documenta 12 | Saadane Afif / Black Chords documenta 12 | Ai Weiwei | 1001 chairs | Fairytale | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Ai Weiwei / chairs from the artwork "Fairytale" | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "Saadane Afif" Lyrics 2004-2007 "documenta 12" "Saadane Afif" "Black Chords plays Lyrics" 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Ai Weiwei" chinese chairs Fairytale 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Ai Weiwei" chinese chairs Fairytale 2007 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Halil Altindere / Dengbejs | 2007 documenta 12 | Halil Altindere / Dengbejs | 2007 documenta 12 | Aoki Ryoko / Poppy | 2001  
"documenta 12" "Halil Altindere" Dengbejs 2007 aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Halil Altindere" Dengbejs 2007 aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Aoki Ryoko" 1996-2001 Aue-Pavillon  
documenta 12 | David Aradeon / Movement of Forms, Antecedents of Afro-Brazilian Spaces | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | David Aradeon / Movement of Forms, Antecedents of Afro-Brazilian Spaces documenta 12 | David Aradeon / Movement of Forms, Antecedents of Afro-Brazilian Spaces | 2007 docuementa 12 | Monika Baer / Ten dollars in a state of disintegration | 2006 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "David Aradeon" "Movement of Forms, Antecedents of Afro-Brazilian Spaces" 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "David Aradeon" "Movement of Forms, Antecedents of Afro-Brazilian Spaces" 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "David Aradeon" "Movement of Forms, Antecedents of Afro-Brazilian Spaces" 2007 Aue-Pavillon "docuementa 12" "Monika Baer" "Ten dollars in a state of disintegration" 2006 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Monika Baer / ohne Titel (no title) / 2007 documenta 12 | Monika Baer / Dollar | 2005 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Monika Baer / Ohne Titel (light) | 2006 | Aue-Pavillon  
"documenta 12" "Monika Baer" Vampir 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Monika Baer" Dollar 2005 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Monika Baer" "Ohne Titel (light)" 2006 Aue-Pavillon  
  documenta 12 | Maria Bartuszova / Untitled | 1970-1987 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Maria Bartuszova / Untitled documenta 12 | Ricardo Basbaum / Would you like to participate in an artistic experience? | 2007
  "documenta 12" "Maria Bartuszova" Untitled 1970-1987 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Maria Bartuszova" Untitled 1970-1987 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Ricardo Basbaum" "Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?" 2007 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Ricardo Basbaum / Would you like to participate in an artistic experience? | 2007 documenta 12 | Ricardo Basbaum / Would you like to participate in an artistic experience? | 2007 documenta 12 | Bill Kouelany / Untitled | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Bill Kouelany / Untitled | 2007
"documenta 12" "Ricardo Basbaum" "Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?" 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Ricardo Basbaum" "Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?" 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Bill Kouelany" Untitled 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Bill Kouelany" Untitled 2007 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Cosima von Bonin / Plastik & Reis  | 1991 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | right: Cosima con Bonin / Plädoyer | 2000 || left: Gerwald Rockenschaub / Acrylglas (Plexiglas) | 2002 | Aue-Pavillon Jan Hoet @ documenta 12 | Trisha Brown / Roof and Fire Piece | 1973 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Trisha Brown / Roof and Fire Piece | 1973 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "Cosima von Bonin" "Plastik & Reis" 1991 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Cosima von Bonin" Plädoyer 2000 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Trisha Brown" "Roof and Fire Piece" 1973 Aue-Pavillon

"documenta 12" "Trisha Brown" "Roof and Fire Piece" 1973 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Alice Creischer / Mach doch heute Lobby | 1998-2007 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Alice Creischer / Mach doch heute Lobby | 1998-2007 documenta 12 | Juan Davila / Untitled | 1986 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Juan Davila / Hysterical Tears | 1979 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "Alice Creischer" "Mach doch heute Lobby" "1998-2007" Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Alice Creischer" "Mach doch heute Lobby" "1998-2007" Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Juan Davila" Untitled 1986 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Juan Davila" "Hysterical Tears" 1979 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Jo Spence, Rosy Martin, Maggie Murray, Terry Dennett / The Picture of Health | 1982-1986 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Jo Spence, Rosy Martin, Maggie Murray, Terry Dennett / The Picture of Health | 1982-1986 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Jo Spence / Rosy Martin, Maggie Murray, Terry Dennett / The Picture of Health | 1982 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Jo Spence, Terry Dennett / Remodelling Photo History | 1982 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "Jo Spence" "Rosy Martin" "Maggie Murray" "Terry Dennett" "The Picture of Health" 1982-1986 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Jo Spence" "Rosy Martin" "Maggie Murray" "Terry Dennett" "The Picture of Health" 1982-1986 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Jo Spence" "Remodelling Photo History" 1982 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Jo Spence" "Remodelling Photo History" 1982 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Dias & Riedweg / Voracidad Maxima - Maximale Gier | 2003 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Dias & Riedweg / Voracidad Maxima - Maximale Gier | 2003 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | documenta 12 | Ines Doujak / SIegesgärten - Biopiracy | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "Dias & Riedweg" "Voracidad Maxima" "Maximale Gier" 2003 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Dias & Riedweg" "Voracidad Maxima" "Maximale Gier" 2003 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Ines Doujak" SIegesgärten 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Ines Doujak" SIegesgärten 2007 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Lili Dujourie / Roman | 1976 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Lili Dujourie / Sonate | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | documenta 12 | Lukas Duwenhögger / The Celestrial Teapot | 2007
"documenta 12" "Lili Dujourie" Roman 1976 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Lili Dujourie" Sonate 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Lili Dujourie" Stilleven 1976 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Lukas Duwenhögger" "The Celestrial Teapot" 2006/2007
documenta 12 | Lukas Duwenhögger / The Celestrial Teapot | 2007 docuementa 12 | Lukas Duwenhögger / Roman Holiday | 1999 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Leon Ferrari / Passarelas | 1980-1982 documenta 12 | Leon Ferrari / Passarelas | 1980-1982 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "Lukas Duwenhögger" "The Celestrial Teapot" 2007 "docuementa 12" "Lukas Duwenhögger" "Roman Holiday" 1999 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Leon Ferrari" Passarelas 1980-1982 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Leon Ferrari" Passarelas 1980-1982 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | documenta 12 | documenta 12 | documenta 12 | Poul Gernes / Model for the water tower | 1972-1973 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "Leon Ferrari" Passarelas 1980-1982 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Leon Ferrari" Passarelas 1980-1982 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Leon Ferrari" Passarelas 1980-1982 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Poul Gernes" "Model for the water tower" 1972-1973 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Poul Gernes / Target Painting | 1966-1969 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Poul Gernes / Target paintings | 1966-1969 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Gesichtsschleier einer Braut [Ruband] (bridal veil cloth [Ruband]) documenta 12 | descr. soon
"documenta 12" "Poul Gernes" "Target paintings" 1966-1969 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Poul Gernes" "Target paintings" 1966-1969 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Gesichtsschleier einer Braut [Ruband]" "bridal veil cloth [Ruband]" "documenta 12" "Yangjiang Calligraphy Group" "Zheng Guogu" "Illiteracy No.3" 2004 "Aue-Pavillon"
documenta 12 | descr. soon documenta 12 | Mira Schendel / Umwelt und Mondo | 1965 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Simryn Gill / Throwback - Remade internal systems from a model 1313 Tata truck, circa 1985 | 2007 documenta 12 |
documenta 12 | David Goldblatt / The Transported of KwaNdebele | 1983 documenta 12 | documenta 12 | Ion Grigorescu  / Traisteni | 1976 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Ion Grigorescu / The Fight with the Dragon | 1986 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "David Goldblatt" "The Transported of KwaNdebele" 1983 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "David Goldblatt" "The Transported of KwaNdebele" 1983 Aue-Pavillon    
documenta 12 | Dmitri Gutov / Fence | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon (near entrance) documenta 12 | Romuald Hazoumé / Dream | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Romuald Hazoume / Moon 2003, Dogone 1996, Zebra Gieter 1997, Autoportrait 1995, Citoyenne 1997 documenta 12 | Jorge Mario Jauregui / Urdimbres | 2007
"documenta 12" "Dmitri Gutov" Fence 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Romuald Hazoume" Dream 2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Romuald Hazoume" "Moon 2003" "Dogone 1996" "Zebra Gieter 1997" "Autoportrait 1995" "Citoyenne 1997" Aue-Pavillon  
documenta 12 | Mary Kelly / Primapara, Bathing Series | 1974/1996 ... documenta 12 | Bela Kolarova | 1961 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Běla Kolarova | 196? | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Bela Kolarova / Swatch of Radiograms of Circle (42 variants) | 1963 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "Mary Kelly" "Primapara, Bathing Series" 1974/1996 Aue-Pavillon      
documenta 12 | Bela Kolarova / Velke spinadlo I, II... | 1971 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Abdoulaye Konaté / Bosnie Angola Rwanda | 1996 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Louise Lawler / HVAC | 1996 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Zoe Leonard / Analogue | 1998-2007
      "documenta 12" "Zoe Leonard" Analogue 1998-2007 Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Lili Dujourie / Stilleven | 1976 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Lee Lozano / Ohne Titel (no title) | ca. / approx. 1964 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Lu Hao / recording 2005 chang' an street | 2005 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Lee Lozano / Ohne Titel (no title) | 1962 | Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | documenta 12 | documenta 12 | documenta 12 |
documenta 12 | documenta 12 | documenta 12 | Lu Hao / recording 2005 chang' an street | 2005 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Lu Hao / recording 2005 chang' an street | 2005 | Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Kerry James Marshall / Single Invisible Man | 1986 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Kerry james Marshall / Dark Angel | 1989 | Aue-pavillon   documenta 12 | John McCracken / Orchid | 1991 | Aue-Pavillon
      "documenta 12" "John McCracken" Orchid 1991 "Aue-Pavillon"
documenta 12 | John McCracken / Untitled (Green Box) | 1966 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | John McCracken / Lack auf Holz - enamel on wood | 1989 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | John McCracken / Untitled | 1972 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Andrei Monastyrski / Goethe | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon entrance area
  "documenta 12" "John McCracken" "Lack auf Holz" "enamel on wood" 1989 "Aue-Pavillon" "documenta 12" "John McCracken" Untitled 1972 Aue-Pavillon hellokassel.com  
documenta 12 | J.D.'Okhai Ojeikere / Hairstyles & Headgear Series | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | George Osodi / Oil Rich Niger Delta | 2003-2007 documenta 12 | Jorge Oteiza / Conjuncion dinamica de dos pares de elementos curvos y livianos | 1957 documenta 12 | Charlotte Posenenske / Drehflügel Serie E | 1967 (reconstruction 2007) | Aue-Pavillon
  "documenta 12" "George Osodi" "Oil Rich Niger Delta" 2003-2007 Aue-Pavillon    
documenta 12 | Charlotte Posenenske / Vierkantrohre Serie D | 1967 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Zheng Guogu || Gerwald Rockenschaub | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Gerwald Rockenschaub | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Gerwald Rockenschaub / Acrylglas (Plexiglas) | 2002 | Aue-Pavillon
    "documenta 12" "Gerwald Rockenschaub" untitled 2007 Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Gerwald Rockenschaub / Acrylglas (Plexiglas) | 2002 | Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Gerwald Rockenschaub / Kein Titel (no title) | 2000/2007 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Gerwald Rockenschaub / ohne Titel | 2001/2007 | Aue-Pavillon at night documenta 12 | Gerwald Rockenschaub / f.l.t.r: 1981/82, 1982, 1982, 1982 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Martha Rosler / Kassel gardens (from the Perspective of a Mole) | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon
"documenta 12" "Gerwald Rockenschaub" "Kein Titel (no title)" "2000/2007" "Aue-Pavillon"      
documenta 12 | Luis Sacilotto / Escultura Negra | 1959 documenta 12 | Dierk Schmidt / Die Teilung der Erde - Tableaux zu rechtlichen Synopsen der Berlin Afrika-Konferenz | 2006-2007 documenta 12 | Dierk Schmidt / Die Teilung der Erde | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Katerina Seda / For Every Dog A Different Master | 2007
  "documenta 12" "Dierk Schmidt" "Die Teilung der Erde" "Tableaux zu rechtlichen Synopsen der Berlin Afrika-Konferenz" 2006-2007 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Dierk Schmidt" "Die Teilung der Erde" "Tableaux zu rechtlichen Synopsen der Berlin Afrika-Konferenz" 2006-2007 Aue-Pavillon  
documenta 12 | Ahlam Shibli / Arab al-Sbaih | 2007 | Aue-Pavillon   documenta 12 | Hito Steyerl / Red Alert | 2007 documenta 12 | Mladen Stilinovic / The Exploitation of the Dead | 1984-1990
    "documenta 12" "Hito Steyerl" "Red Alert" 2007  
documenta 12 | Mladen Stilinovic / The Exploitation of the Dead | 1984-1990 documenta 12 | Jürgen Stollhans | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Guy Tillim / Congo Democratic | 2006 documenta 12 | Guy Tillim / Congo Democratic | 2006 | Aue-Pavillon
    "documenta 12" "Guy Tillim" "Congo Democratic" 2006 "documenta 12" "Guy Tillim" "Congo Democratic" 2006
documenta 12 | Guy Tillim / Congo Democratic | 2006 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Lidwien Van De Ven / Damascus, Ommayad Mosque | 2007 documenta 12 | Tseng Yu-Chin / Who's Listening? 1 | 2003-2004 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 |
"documenta 12" "Guy Tillim" "Congo Democratic" 2006   "documenta 12" "Tseng Yu-Chin" "Who's Listening? 1" 2003-2004 Aue-Pavillon "documenta 12" "Tseng Yu-Chin" "Who's Listening? 1" 2003-2004 Aue-Pavillon
  documenta 12 | Xie Nanxing / Untitled 1-3 | 2006 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Zheng Guogo / Computer is controlled by pig's brain two No. 13 | 2006 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | Zheng Guogu / Computer is controlled by pig's brain series two No.13 | 2006 | Aue-Pavillon
documenta 12 | Zheng Guogu / Computer is controlled by pig's brain No. 43 | 2006 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | documenta 12 | Zheng Guogu / Computer is controlling by pig's brain No.82 | 2006 | Aue-Pavillon documenta 12 | room for discussion with Shooshie Sulaiman / Emotional Library  | Aue-Pavillon
>> between Aue-Pavillon and Neue Galerie   >> between documenta-Halle and Neue Galerie
documenta 12 | Poul Gernes / Stripe Series Paintings | 1965/2007 | near Neue galerie   documenta 12 | art-marked / Kunstmarkt documenta 12 | art-marked / Kunstmarkt
    "documenta 12" "art-marked" Kunstmarkt "documenta 12" "art-marked" Kunstmarkt
>> Neue Galerie      
documenta 12 | Eleanor Antin / the Angel of Mercy | 1977 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Eleanor Antin / the Angel of Mercy | 1977 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Eleanor Antin / the Angel of Mercy | 1977 | Neue Galerie  
"documenta 12" "Ibon Aranberri" "Exercises on the north side" 2007 Neue Galerie "documenta 12" "Ibon Aranberri" "Exercises on the north side" 2007 Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Ibon Aranberri / Politica hidráulica (Hydraulic Policy) | 2003-2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Yael Bartana / Summer Camp | 2007 | Neue Galerie
"documenta 12" "Ibon Aranberri" "Exercises on the north side" 2007 Neue Galerie "documenta 12" "Ibon Aranberri" "Exercises on the north side" 2007 Neue Galerie "documenta 12" "Ibon Aranberri" "Politica hidráulica" "(Hydraulic Policy)" 2003-2007 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Yael Bartana" "Summer Camp" 2007 "Neue Galerie"
documenta 12 | Yael Bartana / Summer Camp | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | James Coleman / Retake with Evidance | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Juan Davila / Juanito Laguna | 1995 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Juan Davila / The Liberator Simón Bolívar | 1994 | Neue Galerie
"documenta 12" "James Coleman" "Retake with Evidance" 2007 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "James Coleman" "Retake with Evidance" 2007 "Neue Galerie"    
documenta 12 | Juan Davila / La perla del mercader | 1996 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Juan Davila / The Refugee Camp Condom Vending Machine | 2002 | Neue Galerie    
documenta 12 | Gonzalo Diaz / Eclipsis | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Gonzalo Diaz / Eclipsis | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Gonzalo Diaz / Al calor del pensamiento (Bei der Glut des Denkens) | 1999 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Ines Doujak / Siegesgärten | 2007 | Neue Galerie
"documenta 12" "Gonzalo Diaz" Eclipsis 2007 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Gonzalo Diaz" Eclipsis 2007 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Gonzalo Diaz" "Al calor del pensamiento" "Bei der Glut des Denkens" 1999 "Neue Galerie"  
documenta 12 | Ines Doujak / Siegesgärten | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Peter Friedl / Ohne Titel | 1968 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Peter Friedl / Ohne Titel | 1968 | Neue Galerie  
documenta 12 | Andrea Geyer / Spiral Lands | 2007 | Neue Galerie 2. floor documenta 12 | Sheela Gowda / Collateral | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Sheela Gowda / Sanjaya Narrates | 2004 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Tenture de Mariage, Peul, Arkilia Kerka (wedding arras / Hochzeitsbehang) | approx / um 1200 | Neue Galerie
documenta 12 | documenta 12 | Amar Kanwar | 2007 | Neue Galerie  
  "documenta 12" "Hu Xiaoyuan" "The Times" 2006 Neue Galerie "documenta 12" "Amar Kanwar" "The Lightning Testimonies" 2007 "Neue Galerie"  
documenta 12 | Mary Kelly / Ray Barrie | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Mary Kelly / Love Songs: Flashing Nipple Remix | 2005 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Mary Kelly / Love Songs: Sisterhood is POW ..., | 2005 | Neue galerie documenta 12 | Mary Kelly / The Ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi | 2001 | Neue Galerie
"documenta 12" "Mary Kelly and Ray Barrie" "Love Songs" 2007 Neue Galerie "documenta 12" "Mary Kelly" "Love Songs" "Flashing Nipple Remix" 2005 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Mary Kelly" "Love Songs" 2007 Neue Galerie "documenta 12" "Mary Kelly" "The Ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi" 2001 "Neue Galerie"
  documenta 12 | Mary Kelly / The Ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi | 2001 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Zoe Leonard / Analogue (portfolio) | 1998-2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Sakarin Krue-On / Nang Fa | 2007 | Neue Galerie
  "documenta 12" "Mary Kelly" "The Ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi" 2001 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Zoe Leonard" Analogue (portfolio) 1998-2007 "Neue Galerie"  
documenta 12 | Bela Kolarova / Obkličený svět  | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Bela Kolarova / Obkličený svět | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Zofia Kulik / Monument (1) | 1989 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Louise Lawler / Untitled (1950-51) | 1987 | Neue Galerie
"documenta 12" "Bela Kolarova" "Obkličený svět" "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Bela Kolarova" "Obkličený svět" "Neue Galerie"    
documenta 12 | Louise Lawler | 1984-1990 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Louise Lawler | 1984-1990 | Neue Galerie    
documenta 12 | Louise Lawler / Does it matter who owns it? | 1998/1990 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Churchill Madikida / Status | 2005 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Churchill Madikida / Virus | 2005 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Churchill Madikida / Nemesis | 2005 | Neue Galerie
Churchill Madikida



documenta 12 | Kerry James Marshall | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Kerry James Marshall / Dailies (Rythm Mastr) | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Kerry James Marshall / Dailies (Rythm Mastr) | 2007 | Neue Galerie
"documenta 12" "Churchill Madikida" Gipsmasken "Neue Galerie"      
documenta 12 | Kerry James Marshall / Garden Party | 2003-2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Agnes Martin / River | 1964 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | John McCracken | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Nasreen Mohamedi / Untitled | undated | Neue Galerie
documenta 12 | Nasreen Mohamedi / Untitled | undated | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Nasreen Mohamedi / Untitled | undated | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Nasreen Mohamedi / Untitled | undated | Neue Galerie  
documenta 12 | Olga Neuwirth / ... miramondo multiplo ... | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Olga Neuwirth / ... miramondo multiplo ... | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Annie Pootoogook | 2003-2006 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Annie Pootoogook | 2003-2006 | Neue Galerie
"documenta 12" "Olga Neuwirth" "... miramondo multiplo ..." 2007 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Olga Neuwirth" "... miramondo multiplo ..." 2007 "Neue Galerie"    
documenta 12 | Ck Rajan / Untitled | 1992-1996 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Gerwald Rockenschaub | 1991 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Martha Rosler / Flower Fields (Color Field Painting) | 1975 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Martha Rosler / Flower Fields (Color Field Painting) | 1975 | Neue Galerie
  "documenta 12" "Gerwald Rockenschaub" 1991 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Martha Rosler" "Flower Fields (Color Field Painting)" 1975 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Martha Rosler" "Flower Fields (Color Field Painting)" 1975 "Neue Galerie"
documenta 12 | Nedko Solakov / Fears | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Nedko Solakov / Fears | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Nedko Solakov / Top Secret | 1989-90 | Neue Galerie  
"documenta 12" "Nedko Solakov" Fears 2007 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Nedko Solakov" Fears 2007 "Neue Galerie"    
documenta 12 | Grete Stern / l: Al Fondo Buenos Aires (1946/2006), r: Madi (Fotomontaje) (1947/2006) | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Grete Stern / Madi (Fotomontaje) | 1947/2006 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Jürgen Stollhans / Vorwärts auf der deutschen Märchenstraße | 2007 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Jürgen Stollhans / Vorwärts auf der deutschen Märchenstraße | 2007 | Neue Galerie
    "documenta 12" "Jürgen Stollhans" "Vorwärts auf der deutschen Märchenstraße" 2007 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Jürgen Stollhans" "Vorwärts auf der deutschen Märchenstraße" 2007 "Neue Galerie"
documenta 12 | Alina Szapocznikow / Fotorzezba | 1971 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Alina Szapocznikow / Fotorzezba | 1971 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Tanaka Atsuko / Calendar | ca./approx 1954 | Neue Galerie documenta 12 | Tanaka Atsuko / Kalender | 1954 | Neue Galerie
    "documenta 12" "Tanaka Atsuko" Kalender 1954 "Neue Galerie" "documenta 12" "Tanaka Atsuko" Kalender 1954 "Neue Galerie"
documenta 12 | Tanaka Atsuko / Kalender | 1954 | Neue Galerie      
"documenta 12" "Tanaka Atsuko" Kalender 1954 "Neue Galerie"      
>> Tapetenmuseum      
documenta 12 | Danica Dakic / El Dorado | 2006-2007 | Tapetenmuseum documenta 12 | Tapetenmuseum    
"documenta 12" "Danica Dakic" "El Dorado" 2006-2007 Tapetenmuseum "documenta 12" Tapetenmuseum "Hessisches Landesmuseum"    
>> Bahnhof_Wilhelmshöhe      
>> Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe      
documenta 12: Shipwreck and Workers (version 3) / Allan Sekula - 20070610_16 documenta 12: Shipwreck and Workers (version 3) / Allan Sekula - 20070610_02 documenta 12 - Krue-On / Reis-Terrassen vor dem Schloss Wilhelmshöhe | Rice Terraces in front of the Wilhelmshöhe Palace  
>> Schloss Wilhelmshöhe      
documenta 12 | Sonia Abian Rose / Das Konzentrationslager der Liebe | 2007 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Berliner Saray-Alben (Diez-Alben), Iran 14th-16th century | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Berliner Saray-Alben (Diez-Alben) / Herbstlandschaft am Fluß | Iran 14th-16th century | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Mihr Chand / Tanz beim Holi-Fest am Moghulhof | 2nd half 18th century (2. Hälfte 18. Jahrhundert) | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe
documenta 12 | Mihr Chand / Tanz beim Holi-Fest am Moghulhof | 2nd half 18th century (2. Hälfte 18. Jahrhundert) | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Dias & Riedweg / Funk Staden | 2007 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Lili Dujourie / Roman (Boek) | 1978 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe  
documenta 12 | Hsiang Yuan-Pien / Noted Porcelains of Successive Dynasties | approx. (ca.) 1885 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Hsiang Yuan-Pien / Noted Porcelains of Successive Dynasties | approx. (ca.) 1885 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Hu Xiaoyuan / Mine | 2004 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Hu Xiaoyuan / Mine | 2004 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe
documenta 12 | NIBARAN CHANDRA GHOSH / left: A wife trying to ward off her husband (Kalighat Painting)  | ca./approx. 1900 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | NIBARAN CHANDRA GHOSH / left: Courtesan with her lover | ca./approx. 1835-1930 (Kalighat Painting ) // right: anonym | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | NIBARAN CHANDRA GHOSH / left: A husband beating his wife (Kalighat Painting)  | ca./approx. 1900 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Hokusai Katsushika (1760-1849) | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe
documenta 12 | Zofia Kulik / The Splendour of Myself (II) | 1997 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Lacktafel (enamel board) | Quing-Dynasty | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Mihr Chand / Tanz beim Holi-Fest am Moghulhof | 2nd half 18th century (2. Hälfte 18. Jahrhundert) | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe  
documenta 12 | Haddschi Maqsud At-Tabrizi / Reise eines persischen Kalligrafen nach Mogul-Indien | 1573 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Kerry James Marshall / The Lost Boys | 1993 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe McCracken McCracken
documenta 12 | Haddschi Maqsud At-Tabrizi / Moghul-Indische Albumblätter zum Thema "Bildungsreise des Gefühls" | 17.Jh (17 c.) | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Kerry James Marshall / The Lost Boys | 1993 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe

documenta 12 | Charlotte Posenenske / Streifenbild | 1965 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe

documenta 12 | Charlotte Posenenske / Plastisches Bild | 1966 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Martha Rosler / Hothouse, or Harem | 1972 | 3342 x 1422 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe    
documenta 12 | Mira Schendel / Untiteled (Notebooks) | 1971 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Mira Schendel / Untiteled (Notebooks) | 1971 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Mira Schendel / Notebooks | 1968 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe documenta 12 | Shooshie Sulaiman / Emotional Library | 2006 | Schloss Wilhelmshöhe
      "documenta 12" "Shooshie Sulaiman" "Emotional Library" 2006 "Schloss Wilhelmshöhe"
Yan Lei






>> Schlachthof      
  documenta 12 |

documenta 12 |

"documenta 12" "Hito Steyerl" "Journal No. 1 - An artist's impression" 2007 Videoinstallation Schlachthof "documenta 12" "Artur Zmijewski" Them 2007 Videoinstallation Schlachthof "documenta 12" "Artur Zmijewski" Them 2007 Videoinstallation Schlachthof Lin Yilin (Nordstadtpark)
documenta 12 | Ai Weiwei / Fairytale Video | 2007 | Schlachthof documenta12  
"documenta 12" "Ai Weiwei" "Fairytale" Video 2007 Schlachthof "documenta 12" "Ai Weiwei" "Fairytale" Video 2007 Schlachthof    
documenta 12 - Kirill PREOBRAZHENSKIY / Inner Voice Radio | 2007 documenta 12: Aktion und Konzert im City Point Kassel